A Deeper Yoga


Yoga and Meditation from the Tantric Tradition

Letting go of tensions and thoughts requires an effective method. The methods take the students to a place where they can feel comfortable and are able to relax.

Without expectations or effort, the methods have an effect. To bring awareness into all that you do has an effect. Yoga poses bring flexibility by releasing physical tensions, breathing exercises bring a wider harmony by releasing tension in the energy channels, then deep relaxation and meditation techniques release tension on a very fine level.

It is also more than this because while the methods work individually they also work as a whole. Altogether, the practices allow you to attain a different perspective from the one you had when you entered the class.

The class is at times energetic and at other times very still. This balance of activity and rest is a core principal of the tradition of Tantric Yoga.

Each class is a harmonious sequence of methods to bring about a deep, relaxed experience.

The word “yoga” is often used to describe the physical postures (“asana” in Sanskrit). In Sanskrit, yoga means union. In Tantra, you accept all things around you, including disturbances. Tantra is often connected with sexual rituals (which I do not teach), but it is not only that. I will teach deep reaching Tantric meditations that bring you closer to your Self. This Self is to be discovered without intellectual discussion. In fact, Tantra is a very practical science allowing you to become aware of what this life truly is about.

Learn More

  • Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School

    All articles are from Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School where I lived and learned from my teacher Swami Janakananda.

    They also do retreats.

  • Yoga Poses

    Yoga poses release the tensions you have physically and also reach deeper levels. Especially when you go further with yoga and meditation.

  • Breathing Exercises

    Working with the breath not only is beneficial for our health but works with our energy and can change our state.

  • Deep Relaxation

    By this stage in the class you have already let go of a lot of tension. When you lie down, in the most important yoga pose, called shavasana, you will be ready to let go at an even deeper level.

  • Meditation

    Meditation usually ends the class. Depending on the meditation, you can sit in either a good meditation pose, in a chair or with your back against the wall. The very fine tensions of our being can be seen and released at this point in the practice.

  • On the Path to Greater Awareness

    "If you want to go out of your depth, learn to swim first" - Swami Janakananda from the article: Chronology of a Yogi. For those who wish to go deeper, this article is an inspirational compliment to regular practice.